Reply to Comments
I only recently discovered that people had been commenting. I apologize for these late responses, which are given in chronological order of the comments.
1. Thanks Sandy, I will try to stay safe.
2. Mike, I am glad we are email contact too.
3. No Pamela, there are no virtual balloons, and certainly no official map.
Dad and I are going day-to-day.
4. Ryan, I am planning on a lot of miles on safe roads, none on unsafe roads.
Sorry, I missed this when you posted your comment because some practice
balloons would have been good.
5. Charlie, you’re asking a lot of a 65-year old man who has a hard time
loading and unloading the van, getting ready, sheparding a Sheba Ihnu and a
92-year-old Dad. I’ll try. I do have a few short video clips I will try to
upload to You Tube tonight.
6. Ryan if I was on southern, priest, fifth street or college it was probably
me, especially if I was in yellow.
7. DROB (Dan) I am urging a friend to do RAGBRAI next year, using my
participation as carrot (or is it stick).
8. The Chase Lineage, I don’t agree. IMO calling it death would bring it out
in the open and increase the likelihood people would have a healthier
attitude towards death. It’s a rough life, very few of us get out alive.
9. Phil, this whole uphill and downhill thing gets some getting used to. I
know one thing I hate it when I have battled up a long hill and find I have
to brake halfway down the other sid e for fear of my life. I also can’t
understand why it has to be so cold, windy and rainy here. It’s not that way
where I come from.
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