Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fear of death creates democrats

17 April 2011. I don’t vote for republicans or democrats. They are not serious people, but they pretend to be. Both parties conspire to prevent the emergence of third parties. Republicans claim to be fiscally conservative but are not: Meager reductions in the deficit are not conservative fiscal policy. Democrats claim to be caring but are not: Heaping debt on the next and following generations is crass and uncaring to the max. However, of the two parties, why would anyone ever vote for democrats? With the current administration the national debt has doubled, the number of men employed has reached its lowest level (as a percent of population) since the depression, and the coming campaign is more of the same. Are you really better off than you were under Bush? How are you doing at the pump and the grocery store? Are you making more or less money? Here’s the bottom line. Money not going to Washington stays local. Being for limited government and low taxes means you must do more for yourself, rather than pay bureaucrats to do it for you. Don’t be afraid. You can do it.
There is a case to be made for the federal government to defend the nation, not police the world. There is a case to be made for the federal government to set standards for reading, mathematics and science achievement, not fund the vested interests of teachers and support failing school systems. There is a case to be made for the federal government to care for the four or five percent of persons incapable of doing so themselves, not pay for every single medical expense for every single person in the country or ensure food on the table for 20 percent of the population. There is a case for a federal ability to respond to national disasters like the hurricane and flood damage in New Orleans or the coming major earthquakes in California, not funding local police and firefighters everywhere on a continuing basis.
Let’s be strong again, not afraid. By the way, there is nothing big government can do to keep you from meeting your maker.

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