28 July 2010 – What a day! I open my eyes at 9:50 AM -- way too late to think about riding (I do my 20-mile rides in the two hours between 5:00 and 7:00 AM before it goes over a 100 degrees), although I may try to do 10 miles later today. The Tour trip looms and my to-do list is more of an imperative so I make motel arrangements for the first three nights. Since completing the Tour is not a certainty, I do not plan too far in advance. Ademas having a support car, a broadband wireless laptop and cell phones along and with a relaxed cycling regimen, there is quite a bit of flexibility. This is the week of the RAGBRAI (Google it) in which my friend Phil is participating and today I read and learn there are 15,000 feet of climbing in the seven days of the ride -- so much for memories of a flat Midwest. As I am writing I hear Sharon in the kitchen going “Mmmm”. Memories of many delicious foods I consume there flood into my brain. From my desk I shout over my shoulder, “What are you eating?” and have all those savory memories blown to smithereens by “Brussels sprouts, want some?” that comes floating back -- so much for memories of tangy nectarines, amazing flans, or mouth-watering roasted or grilled meats. “Uh, no thanks...” Maybe a ride will get their taste out of my mouth.
Thought for the day: A lot happens in my mind that doesn’t happen anywhere else.
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