Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Origins of the Tour

13 July 2010 – About three years ago I am sitting at lunch with some friends and conversation centers on how unhappy the state of affairs is. As I often do, I lobbed a bomb for effect, saying “why don’t we do something to create some joy in the country.” “Like what” comes a swift inquiry? After a pause -- of not too deep reflection – I say, “Imagine that we cycle across the country and invite people to lob water balloons at us.” My friends looked at me as they would a suffering derelict (you know like, ‘’oh dear me here’s another one gone round the bend.). “No, no, seriously… think about it. Say we start in Seattle. We can probably get into Idaho without much notice. By the time we reach Minnesota, we might start getting some local interest. It might drift over to the Internet, become viral, and by the time we get to Chicago the ride might be a small noticeable event. If so, just imagine what Cleveland, Philadelphia and New York City might be like. All those people lined up to lob a water balloon.” Needless to say, my friends still think I’m crazy – none dare to come along – while in my mind’s eye I still foresee a joyous, fun-filled time.” Catch me if you can!

Thought for today: To experience that great relief at the end of a ride, you have to start it somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Bill!! Will we be able to throw virtual balloons? When do we get an official map?
