Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A rare day

6 April 2011. Today is a rare desert day -- sky overcast and rain coming down, not as in thunderstorms rather in that way with a lot of space between drops. I enjoy going in and outside all day. Kelly gives me a haircut. I return home and as I sit watching the news my cousin calls from Florida to ask advice on a family matter. As I finish the sentence “I think you should do what you think is best for you”, the phone signals I have another call. I switch over and it’s Dad who says “Herb died today” and I say “I will call you right back, Leroy is on the other line”. “OK” I switch back and give Leroy the news and tell him I have to go, but before we say goodbye the phone signals again and I just say “Gotta go” and switch over. Herb’s son Brian says “Dad died today.” I say I know and we make arrangements to talk about plans later. I am back in this beautiful desert day. My brother would have loved it.

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